Dear Readers,
There are not enough apologies in the world to justify forgiveness of this delayed issue. The delay was entirely my fault, and I am embarrassed and sickened by it. To this issue’s contributors, the Barren family, and our readers — I appreciate your patience more than you know.
At the operational level, I am the only one who assembles each issue. When I stumble, everyone suffers. This will change going forward. I will be training some of our Masthead members on backend web development in order to mitigate any future publication delays.
I know many of you would like an explanation, but I don’t feel comfortable going into specifics. Especially when any explanation can be considered an excuse. There are no excuses. Even suicidal depression. (I shouldn’t be here.) No, that just pines for a sympathetic response, of which my gunfire brain won’t accept.
Issue 23 is dedicated to all of you who have stuck with Barren through the highlights, lowlights, drama, and delays. You mean the world to me.
Thank you.
Jason D. Ramsey is the Publisher / Editor-in-Chief of Barren Magazine. His writing can be found in trampset, Parentheses Journal, After the Pause, Isacoustic, Tilde, and more. Find him online @JasonDRamsey.
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