
Copyright / Terms & Conditions / Contributor Agreement

Barren Magazine reserves one-time, archival, and promotional publishing rights to contributors’ accepted content. One-time publishing rights include all mediums (electronic, print, etc.) as applicable. Archival publishing rights allow content to remain on indefinitely. Promotional publishing rights include excerpts on social media platforms for purposes of expanding and engaging audiences. Barren Magazine accepts simultaneous submissions, and will forfeit rights before publication at contributors’ request if content is first printed elsewhere. Barren Magazine does not reserve exclusive rights — authors maintain ownership of their content and may seek subsequent publication elsewhere. Barren Magazine prefers previously unpublished content, but may accept previously published material as long as authors own its copyright and provide appropriate attribution. Barren Magazine runs all written content through plagiarism checkers before publication. As such, Barren Magazine cannot be held responsible in any case of plagiarism or copyright infringement. If any published material is reported as plagiarized or infringed (plagiarism checkers aren’t perfect), the content in question will be investigated, and, if found to be fraudulent, will be removed. Barren Magazine absolutely will not tolerate fraud of any kind. While all accepted photographs and mixed media artwork will be featured digitally in Barren Magazine, there is no guarantee that any/all accepted photographs or mixed media artwork will be included in print editions.

Barren Magazine supports a safe and open space. To learn more, read our Statement on Safety and Inclusion here.

To submit material to Barren Magazine, please go here.

Thank you for your interest!

Barren Magazine Shop Terms & Conditions

Barren Magazine accepts all major credit cards through Stripe, as well as PayPal. We do not accept any other forms of payment at this time. All designs in the Barren Magazine Shop are copyrighted 2019- by Barren Magazine and Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Jason D. Ramsey. All graphic design and photography by Jason D. Ramsey except ‘The Sea’ and ‘Float’, which were photographed by Managing Editor Lannie Stabile.

Barren Magazine Shop uses third party manufacturers and distributers for all of its products. As such, Barren Magazine cannot guarantee the quality of its products. If customers find any product unsatisfactory, they may request a refund for said product by emailing and returning the item(s) to the address on the package. Returns must be within 30 days of purchase, and returned items must be in new condition. Customers do assume return shipping costs. All orders should be received within two weeks, and usually much sooner. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have not received an order in this time, or if there appears to be a problem with shipping/tracking information. Please also know that shipping costs are automatically calculated by the distributor based on location. There’s nothing hidden in shipping costs — they are what they are, and we have no control over them. We would love to know what you think of your order experience and the products you received. Please feel free to leave an honest review for any of the products. We want to make the Barren Magazine Shop the best that it can be, and we want every customer to be completely satisfied with every purchase. Thank you!

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