fuck literally every single thing about death

fuck literally every single thing about death

fuck literally every single thing about death 1067 1600 Rota

fuck this sweet wine. these deviled eggs.
another plane ride. this old black suit. the
spotless carpet at the boca raton funeral parlor.
my best shoes tracking gravesite mud through
the car. these ugly prayers. these mad lib
eulogies slinking through the brisk autumn air
until everything smells like formaldehyde. such
a stunning season. such a warm color palette
of dying. fuck the space

between funerals. that dry shivah. that
famished wake. the endless purgatory of an
unreturned phone call. how my last words to
her were the greeting to a voicemail she never
left. fuck she’s in a better place now. the ennui
of heaven, a restless minion of angels, bored of
the elderly, welcoming the young. my
childhood friend. my senior year crush. fuck
this bulldozer sniffing out another new grave
while we chant a prayer i want so badly to

Header photograph © Karyna Aslanova.

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