Issue 12 Poetry


Boundaries 1920 1280 James Ducat

An Anniversary, I Think

An Anniversary, I Think 1078 771 Rodd Whelpley


Kilcross 1280 1600 Erin Emily Ann Vance

Road Folded Back

Road Folded Back 1920 1440 Lauren Camp

Out of the Blue, Into the Black

Out of the Blue, Into the Black 1920 1015 Josh Joseph

Off US Highway 25, N.

Off US Highway 25, N. 1920 1280 Lori Lamothe


Saltshine 1200 1600 Gerry Stewart


Elegy 1920 1272 Howie Good


Deities 1920 1331 Ankita Chatterjee

good salt

good salt 1920 1440 Chestina Craig

be·long /bəˈlôNG/

be·long /bəˈlôNG/ 1000 667 Gabrielle Lawrence-Cormier


Autumnal 1080 1350 Laurie Koensgen

My Husband Tries to Record the Sound in His Ear

My Husband Tries to Record the Sound in His Ear 1920 960 Jessica Dubey

Owl Stretching Time

Owl Stretching Time 1280 853 Andrew Szilvasy


Bacon 1080 1080 Barbara Daniels
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