Carried Away on the Water

Carried Away on the Water

Carried Away on the Water 3837 2607 Damien B. Donnelly

From the nightmare

we wake to the dream

before we open our eyes to reality

I fear I fret I freeze I forge I face I forget

I love you, he said

from the pages of the book

in her hand as she sat alone reading by the window

I am alone I am alive I am only I am everything I am enough

We yearn so much

be to adults as children

then perish ever after in the absence of youth

I want I wish I will I wasted I was I withered

We mourn so much

for what we’ve lost in death

because we ignored the chance to celebrate life

Too soon Too early Too busy Too far Too late

He kissed her lips

beneath the darkness

and remembered the light of another long forgotten

I like I lust I love I lost I like I lust I love I linger in the longing

I walk out into the water     and the reflection

that rises from the surface

is the face of a shadow     now drowned
a reflection of what     once was

a skin     long since shed

a kiss     long since settled

a curiosity       quieted

a loss     let go of
a fear       long since faced

and folded     and floated away

to wherever the water   runs to

after it washes   towards me

through me   and past me

past     the past of me.

Header photograph © Heather Wharram.

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