a boy stands
at the edge
opens his hands,
to bless his body,
i find myself crumbling inside his prayer —i,
a petal dying in a festival of stampede
i stack each prayer up until they reach the sky
maybe god will consider the effort & gift us with answers
dear god, have you heard about the rapture of the deep?
a phenomenon in which a flower bleeds into a river
—an empty room is as heavy
as its emptiness
my girlfriend prays inside her heart &
the echoes come like undone ghost
of my body trying to pop 26 pills of antidepressants
i put you in this box with unfinished poems
& prayer requests
—a boy at the mouth of the cliff
lets his legs slip
angels, today, are on strike
Header photograph © Andrew Hall.
Adedayo Agarau is a documentary photographer and poet. He explores the concept of godhood, boyhood, distance and absence. His works are recently featured on 8poems, Gaze Mag, Allegro, Geometry and elsewhere. He lives and writes from Ibadan, Nigeria.
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